I got low shot power.I need help please.
How can you practice to hit or shoot hard(the soccer ball)?How can you practice kicks to go harder and faster?nba playoffs 2007
To start make put your foot that you are going to shot with flat on the ground. Next point your non-kicking foot in the direction you are going to shoot. Now try to shoot it with your laces at the area around your big toe. Keep striking the ball in different ways to see how the ball reacts. On shooting the ball up close such as on a breakaway hit it with the inside of your foot to place it in the corner. Make sure you are leaning back if you want to lob the keeper or hit it really high,but for 95 percent of the time lean forward and you will get a nice low line drive. Never aim at the middle of the goal. Remember shots low to the ground are usually better cause the keepers have to dive. Try to get your foot far back,and the most important thing follow through.
Straight kicks are very low and accurate, so they are a must for a strikers arsenal. To hit a straight kick lock you ankle and hit the ball with your laces. Make sure you kick the ball not the ground or you will stub your toe.
On every shot it is vital that you use the soccer hop. To perform the soccer hop simply put the foot you are not striking the ball with beside the ball in a somewhat hoping motion and load and strike.
On every type of shot you most use the v-swing. To do it lift your leg backwards. To see if you want to see if you are using it or not. Have someone watch you as you are taking a shot. If your leg makes a v then you are good. If not try to bring your leg back farther. Remember to follow through!
When you shoot you need to follow through almost in a stepping motion. Try to land on your shooting foot! After you follow through get in the habit of running so you might be able to get a rebound.
It will take some practice, but soon you will get it, it really isn't hard once you learn the sweet spot. Also note that you can bend it with the outside and inside of your foot and that it bends more when you kick it in the air.
How can you practice to hit or shoot hard(the soccer ball)?How can you practice kicks to go harder and faster?nba league pass ,nba teams
practice makes perfect.
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